2018.03.01学术报告:Big Bear Solar Observatory - Cool Toys for Observing Our Warm Star

报告题目:Big Bear Solar Observatory - Cool Toys for Observing Our Warm Star


Director of Big Bear Solar Observatory

Professor of New Jersey Institute of Technology

323 Martin Luther King Blvd., Newark, NJ 07102, USA

/Big Bear Solar Observatory, 40386 North Shore Lane, Big Bear City, CA 92314, USA





Fundamental discoveries in solar physics rely on advances of instrumentation. This includes observations that advance the state of the art in resolution and cadence, and open new wavelength domains. NJIT (New Jersey Institute of Technology) has built, and now operates the highest-resolution solar telescope ever built − the Goode Solar Telescope (GST, formerly the New Solar Telescope, NST) at Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO), California. This 1.6-meter clear aperture, off-axis GST is the first facility class solar telescope built in the U.S. in a generation and will dominate U.S. ground-based solar observations until the 4-meter DKIST comes online. Benefitting from the long periods of local excellent seeing at Big Bear Lake, the GST, equipped with high-order adaptive optics (AO), routinely collects diffraction-limited spatial resolution (~ 0.1") photometric, spectroscopic and/or polarimetric data, with a high cadence, across the spectrum from 0.4 - 5.0 μm. Since its regular operation in 2010, it has provided the community with open access to observations of the photosphere, chromosphere and up to the base of the corona with the unprecedented resolution, targeting at the fundamental nature of solar activity and the origin of space weather. This presentation reviews the process of design, construction and commissioning of the GST, and reports the up-to-date progress on its next generation instruments including the AO systems (AO-308, GLAO & MCAO), the Near-InfraRed Imaging Spectro-polarimeter (NIRIS), the Visible Imaging Spectrometer (VIS), the Broad-band Filter Imager (BFI), and the Cryogenic Infrared Spectrograph (CYRA). Some significant scientific results from GST will be highlighted.






曹文达,美国大熊湖太阳天文台台长,新泽西理工学院教授。1992年毕业于国防科技大学获物理学学士学位,1995年毕业于云南天文台获太阳物理学硕士学位,1996-2001年,就读于国家天文台天体物理与天文仪器专业获博士学位。博士毕业后作为访问学者访问美国国家太阳天文台,2003-2006年在新泽西理工学院进行博士后研究工作。于2007年,2012年,2016年分别获取新泽西理工学院助理教授,副教授(终身)以及教授职务。2010-2015年担任大熊湖太阳天文台副台长, 2016年起担任大熊湖太阳天文台台长至今。他主要从事天文仪器方面研究工作包括:大口径太阳望远镜设计、装调以及操作技术;自适应光学;法珀干涉仪;全制冷红外光谱仪;红外及可见光干涉仪及偏振仪等。多年来承担多项NSFNASAAirforce等重大项目,在Nature CommunicationsNature AstronomyAstrophysical Journal等国际学术期刊发表论文80余篇,进行学术报告讲座60多次,发表会议文章50余篇。
