2018.5.9 学术报告: Seeing is Believing: RapiClear makes see-through your samples in one-step

时间:201859 (星期三),上午10:00 

地点:瞬态室 (1号楼) 三楼会议室 

报告人:Dr. Chih-Yung Lin/CEO, SunJin Lab Corporation, 中国台湾。

Abstract: Understanding the detailed 3D anatomical map with molecular information from a complex biological system is a challenging task across fields of investigation. Here we report an easy-to-use and aqueous-based optical clearing agent (termed RapiClear) for achieving high-quality cell images and various molecules of interest in substantial tissue volumes.

    RapiClear, with different refractive indexes, are efficient and convenient reagents that can optically clear both whole-mount and sliced tissues rapidly while accurately preserve the fine morphology and fluorescent protein signals of the tissue (figure A). It is perfectly compatible with various endogenous fluorescence proteins, lipophilic tracers, nucleic acids stains and Alexa Fluor dyes, and the cleared samples are ideal for long-term storage. Tissues optically cleared with RapiClear make 3D imaging and immunohistological analysis easy. For example, as shown in figure B, we were able to image the mouse long-bone with the aid of a two-photon microscope applying second harmonic generation process; with the help of a light-sheet microscope, we can image the intact dopaminergic neural circuits in mouse brain (figure C); with the application of the super-resolution microscopy, we can acquire volumetric fluorescence images in such high-resolution of 100nm for connectomic studies at synaptic levels (figure D).


Figure. Cleared Samples.
