2018.08.23学术报告:Astronomy & Astrophysics @ Chinese Antarctic Scientific Stations

  报告人:姜鹏   中国极地研究中心南极天文学研究室副研究员 



  报告题目:Astronomy & Astrophysics @ Chinese Antarctic Scientific Stations 


  姜鹏 中国极地研究中心南极天文学研究室副研究员。2011 6 月于中国科学技术大学获天体物理博士学位,获中国科学院院长特别奖,全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖。20118月就职于中国科学技术大学天文学系任特任副教授,20151月就职于南京大学天文与空间科学学院任项目研究员,201510月调入中国极地研究中心。目前在SCIEI刊物发表研究论文50篇,其中第一作者和通信作者论文10篇,研究方向涉及星系、黑洞、星际物质、太阳系外行星和南极天文观测技术。2016年,中国第32次南极考察中山站越冬队员,成功开展中山站首次天文观测。 


  The dry, cold and stable Antarctic atmosphere creates some of the best conditions for observing Universe. Chinese Kunlun scientific station at an altitude of 4087 m, which is on the top of Antarctic plateau, has been considered as the most promising astronomical site on the Earth. Astronomical activities at Kunlun Station have started since 2008. The first generation instruments were mainly for site testing. Large fraction of clear skies, extremely low atmospheric boundary layer and new Far-Infrared windows have been identified. In 2011, the Antarctic Survey Telescope (AST3) with an aperture of 500 mm, was operated at Kunlun Station for wide—field photometry. In 2014, the second AST3 joined in the Antarctic survey. Observations of AST3 have effectively contributed to researches of ExoPlanets, Variable Stars, Supernovas, Galaxies and Cosmic Evolution. In 2017, AST3-2 successfully detected the optical counterpart of GW170817, just a day after its detection by LIGO. 
