
  报告人:张辉   南京大学天文与空间科学学院副教授 



  报告题目:南极星空里的太阳系外行星(Exoplanets in the Antarctic Sky---Searching for exoplanets within the TESS’s Southern CVZ. 




  While the space based exoplanet survey projects (e.g. Kepler) have achieved great success, there is still valuable exoplanetary science that can be done from the ground. This is especially important at some unique sites. Dome A, the highest point of the Antarctic plateau, is one of these sites. In 2008, China established a scientific site at Dome A. Now, in a significant collaboration with Australian astronomers, a large survey project has been ongoing there for several years. This is the Antarctic Survey Telescope (AST3) project, consisting of three 0.5m telescopes located at Dome A. The exoplanet searching program is one of the two major scientific aims of AST3. I will briefly outline this project and introduce the progress of the exoplanet survey in details. It will cover the exoplanet scientific goals, instruments, designs of survey strategy, data reduction pipeline and exoplanet candidates we found within TESS’s Southern Continuous Viewing Zone. 
